April 28, 2016
Dear Friends,
When your Mayor says something it should be true, but Todd Meier wants his slate of candidates to win so badly that he is willing to say just about anything. For example, Meier said that the three candidates challenging his hand- picked slate want to open up the Athletic Club to non-residents – That is not true!
The truth is that his slate of incumbent candidates are not “independent thinkers,” because they vote with the Mayor over 95% of the time. The false accusation by the Mayor is simply a ploy to influence the election in favor of his cronies.
No other Mayor in the North Texas sends out salacious e-mails and campaign literature on behalf of incumbents. A real leader brings people together and works to represent all aspects of various issues, but Meier just wants to stack the deck in his favor.
This Mayor is divisive and morale at City Hall is the lowest I have ever seen. It is no wonder that for the first time in the history of the Town of Addison that the Police and Firefighter’s Associations have endorsed non-incumbent candidates. They were willing to risk the wrath of the Mayor and his slate and instead support Al Angell, Jim Duffy and Paul Walden.
Our town is not doing the best in history as the Mayor suggests. That is the reason his slate of candidates all have challengers. Angell, Duffy and Walden will transform our town, bring back economic development and preserve our neighborhoods.
The Police Chief, Fire Chief, Finance Director, Director of Parks, Director of Special Events, Director of Communications, Director of Visitor Services and Chief Payroll Specialist have all gone to other cities or taken early retirement just to get away from the toxic work environment created by the incumbents.
The Mayor’s propaganda machine makes it sound like everything is always wonderful and if there is an issue, they just blame it on the past administration – just like Washington politicians.
I hope you will join me and vote for Al Angell, Jim Duffy and Paul Walden so they can restore integrity and honesty to the governance process in Addison.
Joe Chow,
Former Mayor of Addison